True Relationship Despite COVID-19

Dr. Jacqueline on Relationship

When someone is said to be the “Father” of something, it means they’ve authored it, they started it, they got it going. Well, who authored relationships? It’s evident from the beginning of time and throughout time that the Lord God did. Consider even how He chose to position us (creation) in relation to Himself (Creator): family style. He is the Father, and those who would like to be a part of His family are called His sons and daughters. Now, it thrills me to know that The Father of Relationships has given us an open invitation to get to know Him, to share time (His undivided attention) to listen, to speak, to encourage, to love . . . YOU! How marvelous! (Think about it. The One who created planets! The One who walked on water. The One who knows all things – even from the very beginning telling what would happen long before it took place.)

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Revelation 3:20, Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. WOW! Think about that! When you have lunch with a friend, maybe your best friend, what are some of the things you might talk about? Possibly what you like and don’t like about something, what you’re nervous about, what you’re excited about and looking forward to, ideas you have. And, as a good friend, they listen and then respond. Well, imagine having this opportunity with THE FATHER OF RELATIONSHIPS (daily if you want to! You can even choose to do life with Him)! Connecting with the Lord God, receiving answers, getting direction and counsel, thanking Him in His presence for who He is and all He has done. Moreover, He is the one who knows everything about you, every detail of your life, what you’ve done in the past, and what’s ahead of you. Imagine, sharing a meal with Him. There’s nothing better!

I encourage you to carve out time in your day to open the door to Him and share a meal. Simply grab your Bible and read (I would suggest starting in the New Testament, the book of John). See how He guides you during that time. A good start for you may be a method called SOAPing:
Scripture – read a chapter, allow God to speak to you, and then journal on a particular scripture that stands out to you.
Observation – write what you believe God is teaching you, and paraphrase the scripture in your own words.
Application – consider how the scripture applies to your life right now.
Pray – this could be asking God for greater understanding, or to help you to do what the scripture says, or etc.

Now, if you’re not yet part of His family – in relationship with Him – that’s the very first step!

I like to wake up early and spend time with Him in the morning before starting my day, carry throughout my day what He’s given me, and then spend more time with Him in the evening. To me, it’s about being aware of Him, and doing life with Him.

There’s so much more I could get into; so, if you’re interested in learning more along these lines, contact me or go to my speaker invite page. In the meantime, sign up for my monthly newsletter. And, if you don’t yet have a relationship with Him, there’s no better time to be a part of the family than now.

All the best to you! Stay tuned for my next blog post coming up, and remember, pass this on; share this Fresh Insight Worldwide!

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