So How Do You Do It?!

I had finished up a high intensity run yesterday evening before heading into the gym; and, as I was pacing the sidewalk, allowing my heartbeat to return to resting, a voice called out to me from a car passing by. Words from a friend brought light-hearted laughter and commendation, but mostly awe and question as he stopped and engaged me in conversation. His questioning seemed to come more from a place of wondering, and amazement; though still, I shared my secret, as I had framed it, as I have in the past with him.

“How do you do it?!” “You’re so fit!” “You’re always running!” …

After we engaged a bit, I answered him, before he eventually pulled off, allowing again for the free-flow of traffic that had been going around him in order to pass by.

How do I balance it all? How do I maintain a healthy body weight? How do I know what to do, when? My secret, you may be wondering, is continual fellowship with the Lord; being aware of Him in me, and acknowledging Him throughout my day. Essentially, doing life with Him; and, in this union, comes direction and an established thought life. (Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 16:3)

One of my favorite scriptures, though I have many (and new favorites depending upon the seasons of life I’m in), is Revelation 3:20 where Jesus is saying, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” (Another translation of that verse says, “..I will come in and eat with him (restore him)…”) Get an image of this in your mind. When you’re out to eat with a good friend, what are some of the things you talk about? What are things you may share and discuss? What’s the atmosphere like? Well, Jesus is offering that invitation to us. …Jesus! The Son of God, the Prince of Peace, Immanuel (which means God with us)! Sharing a meal together with God, as friends. And, imagine the benefit of that relationship!? He forgives everything you’ve ever done and treats you like it didn’t even happen. He heals your body and makes you whole. He takes your place so you can live, and have the opportunity to have an abundant life here on earth. He surrounds you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. He satisfies you with good (Psalm 103:2-5).

Doing life with the Lord, daily, is how I do it, friend, with my fitness and otherwise!

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