How Beautiful Upon the Mountains Are the Feet of Him Who Brings Good News.

Dr. Jacqueline is an inspiring speaker and teacher of the Good News who founded Fresh Insight Worldwide in 2019. Several years prior, the Lord had impressed upon her heart Isaiah 52:7, and would bring it to her remembrance as she continued to grow and learn. With a desire and directive from God to speak and teach the Word, to travel, and a heart to give and love on people, God led her to begin the work in the summer of 2018.

Fresh Insight means daily revelation; daily revelation during time spent in the Word, with the Lord. The name was birthed out of time spent with the Lord, and what flows from this ministry comes from revealed knowledge as well. Fresh Insight Worldwide exists to bring the Good News (the Gospel of Jesus Christ) to those who don’t yet know it, and to teach Biblical truths whereby we can all grow up spiritually; Securing Truth For Upward Growth! The “Talk Topics” page in the menu bar includes a select listing of sessions to choose from.


How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 (Romans 10:15)

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:36


As I look back over my life, that comes as no surprise as I recall various highlights: sharing about Jesus at eight years old during recess, holding Bible studies in my university dorm room, sharing about the greatness of God to friends and close acquaintances over food or during walks, teaching a series in downtown White Plains, New York on Inner Man of the Heart, serving as Prayer Leader, Growth Track Leader, and a Connect Group Leader at my local church at the time. I endeavor to encourage and reveal to others the rich presence and relationship with the Lord that we can all experience as we spend time with Him.

In various places throughout the Bible we read about how people were taught by God. Too, we read about how the Holy Spirit teaches us. My life is wrapped up – and will forever be so – in Isaiah 45:13a (personalized):

I have raised Jacqueline up in righteousness, and I will direct all her ways.
Isaiah 45:13a (personalized) NKJV

During the years I spent in graduate school studying for my degrees, the Lord was also training me up in the Word, and through experiences with Him. He continues to do so. Doing life with Him is precious to me. Moreover, the different seasons of my life (both the pleasant and the unpleasant) find me learning different facets of His character: for example, knowing Him as love, versus knowing about His love; vividly experiencing His teaching moment of grace, versus knowing about His grace; knowing Him as the mender of broken hearts, versus knowing that He’s near to those who have a broken heart. These and other moments have been part of my journey in knowing God, which is His desire for us all. 

In John 16:13-15 Jesus also says,

“…the Spirit of the truth, He will lead you into all the truth, for He will not speak from himself as a source, but as many things as He hears He will speak, and the things that are coming He will make known to you. That One [the Holy Spirit] shall glorify Me [Jesus], because He shall take out from that which pertains to Me and make it known to you. All things, as many as the Father has, are Mine. On this account I said that He takes out from that which pertains to Me and shall make it known to you.”

Spiritual wellbeing/maturity is most important. While growing spiritually, the Lord has also poured into me a desire for wellbeing physically, and has ministered to my soul the ways in which are necessary to be built up mentally, emotionally, and with regard to one’s will. Comprehensive wellbeing is important to the Lord and is therefore important to me. A mature spirit, a sound mind, and a capable body. This comprehensive wellbeing takes nourishing, and as I follow the Lord (Spirit with spirit), He leads me into what is necessary for all parts. A mature spirit (the most important part of comprehensive wellbeing) is vital for life, true life, and life in all areas.


It was over the course of maybe a week or so, when I found myself waking up earlier than I normally would have. While I was already spending early and un-rushed time in the mornings with the Lord, 4:30am usually saw me sleeping more often than I saw that time on the clock. I got out of bed though – 4:30am – awake, alert, and aware of the fact that this was time to spend with God. Praying. Hearing. So, off I went. When I wrapped up, I thought, “Wow God, that was early! I don’t think I could wake up any earlier.” The next morning I found myself in a similar situation, although this time it was 3:30am when I awoke! Awake. Alert. Off I went. When I returned, I went back to bed and thought, “Wow God, that was early! I don’t think I could wake up earlier than that.” The next morning, lo and behold, my eyes saw 2:30am on the clock!! Awake. Alert. Off I went. This time when I returned, before going back to bed, I had the knowing in my spirit. I knew that anytime God wanted to talk, if He woke me up, I would get up and commune with Him. The uncertainty I had about actually getting up in the wee hours of the morning when God woke me up, became certainty – I would get up. He knew all along that I would get out of bed (albeit, by His grace). He was proving it to me, so that I would know that I would, and could, too.

That was a marker for me. To this day, much sweet insight – Truth – has come in what could be considered “the time to be sleeping”.

Whenever God asks you to do something, is when He authorizes you to do it. When you say yes [in word or action], is when He empowers you to do it.

I heard the above words from a favorite spiritual father of mine and have found them to be true.

So, we can see that God will give us the grace to do what He is calling us to do.

I love Isaiah 50:4-5:

The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned. The Lord God has opened My ear; and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away.

Everywhere I go the Lord is shaping me. . . pouring in and preparing me for a destiny . . .for such a time as this.

I wrote this poem years ago. It’s entitled, “Arise”. Now, it seems fitting.

I used to be the moon,
Hiding. Waiting for my time in the spotlight.
But now I am the sun,
Rising up from my rest.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

I look forward to sharing time with you! -Jacqueline

In all aspects of life, the way we “navigate the waves” is tied to the maturity of our spirit, the soundness of our mind and the health of our body. From there, we set sail. In one direction is varying degrees of success; in the other direction is varying degrees of missing the mark.
Three-part nourishment (nourishment for our spirit, soul, and body) is vital, with the greatest attention given to spiritual nourishment. 

I prioritize knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. In order to live life as He intended. On purpose. With purpose.

How are you navigating today? If you would like to have Dr. Jacqueline come speak, or if you are interested in an individual session or group workshop, please complete the invite form, or email with any questions you may have.

Dr. Jacqueline, with Fresh Insight Worldwide, is a 2024 Honored Listee of Marquis Who’s Who, and will be interviewed by CUTV celebrity reporters Jim Masters & Doug Llewelyn via Blog Talk Radio in May and June 2024.

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