Salvation, Because He Loves You

Many have asked the question, “How can a so called ‘loving God’, send people to hell?”
Well, I have good news for you, …He doesn’t.

In a very simple and direct way, here’s what happened: Just over 6,000 years ago, God created humans (us!) in His image. At that time, the world was perfect. Everything was RIGHT; humans were connected to God (spiritually alive), and there was no WRONG in the world…until humans greatly disobeyed Him. This act of disobedience caused the connection humans had with God to be broken, resulting in them being separated from God (spiritually dead). Additionally, it caused wrong to enter the world – sin – and the penalty for sin, is death.

Now, death here refers to a spiritual death, or eternal separation from God. Meaning, that once your physical body dies, if you are spiritually dead, hell is where you will go. A place God only intended for Satan and Satan’s fallen angels. Hell is a place where ALL of God is REMOVED; so, instead of love (God) there is fear and hate, instead of light (God) there is darkness, instead of healing (God) there is suffering and disease, instead of protection (God) there is torment and turmoil, instead of tender mercies (God) there is guilty sentence and blame, instead of breath (God) there is suffocation, instead of peace (God) there is an unbearable weight of stress, strain, and panic. You’re beginning to get the idea, though hell is far worse than what I’ve described here. Simply put, the makeup of hell is the opposite of everything good (God).

Now, though this act of disobedience was committed by the first humans (Adam and Eve), just like DNA which carries genetic information is passed from generation to generation, spiritual DNA – carrying the “sin tag” and separation from God – is passed on as well. And remember, if separated from God in this world where sin is present, once the physical body dies, the spirit goes to hell.
Now, this DID NOT sit well with God.

God did not intend for humans to
be separated from Him (spiritually dead)
at all. He did not want us to go to hell
(a place intended only for Satan and
Satan’s fallen angles).
So, God determined to RIGHT the WRONG
of this disobedience. He loved us so much
that about 2,000 years ago He sent His
Son, Jesus Christ, to take our place, to take
our punishment, to pay the penalty.
TO BECOME OUR SIN, so that we could go

God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to restore what had been lost through Adam and Eve’s disobedience; to restore spiritual life – connection with God again. Jesus Christ came to Earth, did no wrong but for our sake God made Jesus to take the blame and punishment for sin, so that humans could be MADE RIGHT with God again. So, Jesus was beaten, crucified and died on a cross, having taken upon Himself the payment needed to restore humans to God. God then raised Jesus from the dead. Now, any human who would now confess Jesus as their Lord, and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, would not go to hell, but because of Jesus be connected back to God and have life again . . . spiritual life where the end destination is now heaven! Additionally, the opportunity to live an abundant life here on earth is offered! Jesus Paid It All and we can live because of Him!

In summary, Jesus paid the price for our sin. He went into hell for three days and three nights, and then God raised Him up. Jesus now sits beside God on the throne in heaven. So you see, God does not send people to hell. He sent Jesus here, not to blame us, or judge us, but rather to save us from our sins! To save us from hell! To reconcile us back to Himself! WHAT LOVE!
After all, it was never His intention for us to go to hell in the first place.

Now, in knowing this, if one does not confess Jesus as their Lord, the determination for their fate is already made, due to their spiritual DNA (carrying the sin tag) and separation from God – spiritual death, sin, hell. But, once confession of Jesus is made, spiritual death is no longer, and spiritual life exists. Jesus is the saving way – the Savior, God’s plan – the “parachute to stop a downward fall”. You MUST latch onto the parachute/Jesus to be saved!
In love, God made it VERY simple to do. To confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior, pray the below prayer with your mouth, and believe it in your heart. When you do, you will be saved! Yes, IT’S THAT SIMPLE! Then, write to tell me about it so we can celebrate with you!

Prayer To Be Saved:
Dear God, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Jesus to die for me, paying the penalty for sin so that I would not have to. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead. Thank You for this. I confess Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life, latching onto Him as my parachute. I’m ready to live the good life that You intended for me. I ask You to show me the way, and I thank You for it. In Jesus’ name, amen.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your decision to be saved is THE BEST DECISION YOU’LL EVER MAKE! Remember to write me and tell me about it! Begin to live THE ABUNDANT LIFE! To learn more, check out, Inner Man of the Heart, the Talk Topics, and blog.

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