Movement As a Stimulant

In the middle of the day if energy levels are low, do you choose to move or drink coffee? I invite you to choose movement – an alternative that provides a lift without the lag! Tips on using movement to increase performance, are also shared.

We’ve all experienced moments where energy levels are lower than optimal in the face of several more hours of work that has to be completed. And, rather than getting up to move, because you’re already low on energy to begin with, grabbing that EXTRA cup of coffee seems like the logical solution for providing just what you need to wrap up those last few hours.

The question is, how much extra, is extra? What are the long term, negative, internal side effects of that extra cup? And, are there better options?

While the benefits of movement on energy levels are becoming widely known, are you actually opting to move? Do you feel that the benefits of movement – that are physical, mental, and emotional, with little to no negative effects – can really stand up to your extra cup of joe? Or that movement can actually stimulate your energy levels enough? While it may be easier to reach for caffeine, and take less energy to do so, what’s the payoff in the long run? How much are you willing to sacrifice, just this once?

To move or to drink? That is the question.

Movement provides both a positive physical habit and mental stimulant, and opting to move when you’re tired, may be just what you need…

  • to get through,
  • to increase energy levels,
  • to trigger increased brain capacities,
  • to help jump start your metabolism,
  • to set you on a path toward a healthier lifestyle.

In case the thought of introducing movement started alighting inside, go ahead! Try it. Take a brief walk, walk up and down a flight of stairs a few times, make a loop or two around the office area, dance a bit! See if added movement won’t get your blood pumping and increase your energy levels! Allow this mini movement break to be whatever appeals to you… that’s the beauty of it – make movement uniquely yours! Notice how you feel after your break. I’m guessing you’ll be more energized; and moreover, your brain will have been stimulated too.

How do you move? Feel free to share your personal insights and recommendations, or add a comment on how you felt after taking your movement break!

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