Become A Partner

Jacqueline and the Fresh Insight Worldwide Team would like to thank you for prayerfully considering partnership with this ministry. We could not do it without our partners!

As a partner, you can expect to be prayed for regularly, and to hear from Jacqueline through quarterly digital partner letters about what the Lord is putting on her heart.

As a partner, you have the opportunity to give regularly towards Securing Truth for Upward Growth both in your own life and in the lives of others.

As a partner, you receive reward. As you partner with us through prayer and financial support, you are helping us bring Good News through Biblical Truths to lives around the world. For every life that is then touched and impacted by this ministry, you, as a partner, will have a part in those eternal rewards from the Lord! After all, we (you alongside Fresh Insight Worldwide) are workers together with Him, each doing our own part! Thank you in advance for your continued prayers and continued financial support.

Partner Application

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